New page added - The most beautiful coins of antiquity Nominations by collectors from Moneta and Greek coin lists
New page added - The Dacian Wars as seen on coins of Trajan.

A special welcome to Ms. LaFon's Latin classes at White Station High School!!

                        The Coin Collection & Coin Collecting Resources

Roman coins [440+]
My Trajan Collection 210+ coins with bio and links to Trajan related sites.
   Greek coins [105+]             Greek Silver Coin Denominations Relative weights and sizes with PDF poster.
            Greek gods depicted on Greek coins - includes PDF poster.
            Beauty and Detail on Greek coins close ups and commentary
            Signed coins of Magna Graecia
            Evolution of Greek reverse designs

Coins from other early civilizations [90+]

European coins - pre 1800 [30+]

Links: Extensive list of over 130 links to resources, collections, dealers and other sites dealing with ancient coins


Dragons Modern coins with an ancient theme.

Essays, articles, etc.

Featured Coin of the Month

Know thy fakes and counterfeits Links to sites that will help you recognize them.

Astronomical symbols on ancient coins Comets, eclipses, conjunctions: they are all represented on ancient coins - or are they? And maybe a supernova??

My coins featuring crescents and stars and other astronomical symbols.

Tips for new collectors (with limited income)

Suggested books/references with best prices and distributors compiled by William Montefusco. Let me know if you find any bargains.

Trajan's Life and Times as seen through his coins.

Some recommended dealers. But, caution is always the rule

The most beautiful coins of antiquity Nominations by collectors from Moneta and Greek coin lists

Coins with Special Historical Significance Another Listserv-based page. Moneta members submitted images and text of coins with interesting historical links. Very interesting!

Legacy of the Ancients A pictoral essay comparing modern and ancient coins.

How did the Celator's engrave those dies?? Perspectives from jewelers. A thread from the email listserve - Ganoskin.

The ethics of collecting ancient coins An essay on ethical issues affecting collectors and the preservation of cultural heritage.

Pictures from My Visit to the Latin classes at White Station High School

Picture to right: Presenting the Curis Clay, Pliny the Elder Award to Ms. Dawn LaFon of White Station High School.
To contribute to Ancient Coins for Education [ACE], please click on the banner at the bottom of this page. It is tax deductible and a wonderful way to allow students to experience history first hand.


Link to my sporadic coin auctions on Ebay.

Wood Carving another avocation of mine is wood sculpture. I'm doing a series on the most beautiful coins of antiquity. If you have a favorite, please vote by contacting me and sending me a pic.

Coin Carving 6 carvings: 3 Trajans, a 16 Litrae Hieron II of Syracuse, Lokris, Opuntia Stater, and a Nefertiti thrown in. The stater is illustrated with the steps in the carving process.


I am sure there are attribution errors among the coins. Feel free to notify me of errors or to let me know what you think of the site. - Thanks.

Use of Information and Pictures on this page: Use of information and pictures found on these pages is granted, with the condition that proper credit is given somewhere on the page where it is used and a link is provided back to this site. Exception: Use of photos that are taken from other sources must not be used unless persmission is given by the original creators. Sources other than my own are credited throughout these pages.